About our annual subscription
The annual subscription is used towards cost of events including the annual festival, and to bring in numerous top class artists from India and other places every year. The board of IFAASD is and has always been committed to using our sparse financial resources prudently so that we can continually offer our subscribers and patrons the best cultural experience.
The academy annual subscription is for the entire family (spouse or significant other, and up to two dependents). Dependents are those living with the family throughout the year and does not include or cover visiting parents, grandparents and other relatives. The annual subscription fees are subject to review and change by the board of trustees at the beginning of each calendar year. Although the costs to stage an event have gone up by 23 % over 2020, for 2025, the subscription fees will remain the same as 2017 as listed below.
Note:We will no longer distribute physical (laminated) cards for Annual Subscription. All subscribers are required to register an account on the website and use digital membership cards and QR codes for attending events.